INNOCN is a brand of Empsia -Limited Society, a new century, a new century, a new century, a new century, a new manufacturer developed and selling a high -end monitor and commercial monitor established in China in 2014.The Century Union Group (Group) will be a comprehensive company that integrates research and development, manufacturing and sales of high -end monitors and commercial monitors established in 2014.Home time that inevitably increases, such as daily life that has changed due to corona evil, telework, online classes, and stay home.As the needs of products that spend such time comfortably are increasing, mobile monitors that can help improve the work environment are being spread.Recently, the number of families owning laptops and tablet devices has increased due to the penetration of remote work and online classes.The advantages of laptops and tablet devices are "easy to carry", but on the other hand, you may not feel dissatisfied with the small display, difficult to see the letters, and the image is not impressive.Uh?Also, in the case of a notebook PC, the screen is small and the display area is limited, so the work efficiency tends to fall."Mobile monitor" is a perfect gadget for those who have such problems.▼ By using a compact, lightweight, portable display mobile monitor that can be carried on the go, it is possible to expand (replace) the display area of the PC and reflect the video of smartphones and tablet terminals on a large screen.Become.
Innocnは購入日から3年間の保証期間や、1年間不具合に対しては無料での交換や返品と約束しています。購入後、製品について不明な点や不具合があれば、連絡すればお買い上げの販売店から返品や交換の対応ができます。以上の通り、フルHD画質対応・タッチ操作対応・バッテリー内蔵・充実したインターフェースという各点を満たして、非常にオススメ度の高いポータブルモニターとなっています。外出先でも大きな画面で作業を行ったり、自宅PCの拡張ディスプレイ用のモニターを探している方には、まさにうってつけのガジェットであると言えるでしょう。この機会に、ぜひ『Innocn PF15-PRO ポータブルモニター』の購入を検討されてはいかがでしょうか。Category
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