Arid Telesis upgraded the company's switch router's firmware "Alliedware Plus (AW+)" on February 25, and the new firmware "AW+ Ver".5.5.0-2.The download service of "4" has started.
In this version upgrade, the company's router products are compatible with VPN connections from the iOS standard VPN client software "IKE V2" in addition to OpenVPN (compatible with remote connection VPN client software, which is standard on Windows10).。As a result, secure communication is possible when connecting from outside the company to the company, and the terminal users and network managers need to carry out pre -installation work to use VPN client software that is standard on iOS terminals.There is no effect in terms of cost and resources.For Android devices, by installing the open source VPN client software "STRONGSWAN" from this version, it is possible to connect with "IPSEC IKEV2" in addition to Open VPN.
In addition, in the five products of the AR series, the company's router product, a connection verification with the Internet connection service provided by Alteria Networks has been conducted on the optical net line on the optical net line.It is possible to connect to this service that realizes IPv6 Internet connection without introducing new devices.This has increased the support lineup of Internet services that can connect to IPv6 IPoE.
The compatible routers for this update are "Basic VPN Access Router AT-AR1050V", "Standard VPN Access Router AT-AR2010V/AT-AR2050V", "Secure VPN Access Router AT-AR3050S/AT-AR4050S".。
(Ryuto Kawahara/Biginet)
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