Updated May 27, 2021
PR: Panasonic
During childcare, there is no choice but to worry about the baby even if it is a little thing.Especially when you have to leave your buckwheat, especially in housework or working at home, some people can't get the work?Therefore, this time, we conducted a questionnaire for 300 Mynavi Questionnaire members who are raising children in their 20s and 30s!
TweetPocketImmediately, when I asked, "Are you worried about your child and you haven't got any work or housework?"As a result.
Various specific episodes came out.
・ I worked after my child fell asleep, but I was worried about when I was crying at night, so I couldn't work.・ I am worried about the child's state and cannot do long housework.・ I can't keep my eyes on my eyes after I started turning over, so I can't afford to do housework.・ If you suddenly become quiet while doing housework, you will be worried about whether you are mischievous.
Many people said that as the range of movement, such as turning over and being able to play alone, it became unable to keep an eye on housework and work.
That's why many people want to devise a way to watch the baby with peace of mind.However, it is true that you do not know what to watch out for.
So, we asked Yoko Sakata, a midwife who is familiar with childcare, about the points to watch!
According to Mr. Sakata, the important thing in watching the baby is "to respond gently to messages from children."
"Talk a lot, look at the eyes, touch the skin. The response can form a parent and child's attachment and lead to the stability of the baby's emotion. On the other hand, when you are in a good mood and play alone,It is also important to watch quietly "(Mr. Sakata)
So what should I be aware of when my child is sleeping or playing alone, when dads and moms take the time to keep their eyes on housework and work?
For example, when a baby is sleeping, he falls off without a fence on the bed, and he fell off, and he had a nap on a sofa.It seems to be.
"I want to raise the fence in the bed and keep a short sleep during the day, and don't sleep on the sofa, and also need to be careful about" prone sleeping ", which has a high SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).You don't have to watch it for a long time, but if you notice that you are lying over and turn over, let's gently return it on your back. "(Mr. Sakata)
In addition, the points to be aware of to prevent suffocation when sleeping are as follows.
・ Use a hard mat for bedding and do not use pillows.・ Use clothing and bedding so that the baby can move freely without using a heavy futon or using a heavy futon.・ Make sure that the comforter, towel, string, etc. do not hit the face.・ Do not place stuffed animals, gauze, or vinyl around the bed.
There was also a comment saying, "I'm worried when I will cry at night," but according to Sakata, "It's often uncomfortable to cry when a baby is sleeping, and it's often conveyed it."yes.
"Hungry, too hot, sweaty, itching due to constipation, eczema, etc., and crying due to poor physical condition. Especially body temperature is greatly affected by the temperature of the environment. The right temperature for babies is the right temperature., 20-25 degrees. In the summer, the room temperature may be set to 25-26 degrees, but let's spend too carefully with thin underwear. "(Mr. Sakata)
In addition, we need to consider the brightness during sleep.
"Many families use nightlights on the ceiling, but from the perspective of sleeping children, most of them are too bright. The light source is likely to enter the eyes of the baby sleeping on their backs.Is to put indirect lighting on the floor and make it a warm color such as red and orange, such as the darkness (2-3 lux) that can change the diaper of the baby "(Mr. Sakata).
On the other hand, a baby for about three months may not yet get used to the outside environment and may cry with mental discomfort.
"In that case, you may sleep calmly by bringing you close to the environment when you are in your mom's uterus, such as hearing heart sounds and white noise."
Above, there were many things to be aware of.Nevertheless, after giving birth, mom's body takes time to recover, and parents who are raising children tend to have a lack of sleep and use physical strength.It seems that Mr. Sakata may receive a consultation at Mr. Sakata, saying, "I want to take a rest, but I can't rest with peace of mind because my baby is worried.
In particular, newborn babies are always nearby and want to watch over all the time, but it is overturned that dads and moms are just worried."If there are useful items that let go of the anxiety of leaving and reduce the burden of childcare with peace of mind, I would like you to use it."
Meanwhile, Panasonic's "Baby Camera" is a recommended item that helps you to raise your child -rearing points firmly.
ベビーカメラのお得なキャンペーンをチェックする!Panasonic's "Baby Camera KX-HBC200-W" (open price) allows you to watch the baby in a remote room from a smartphone ( * 2) with 2 million pixels (full HD * 1).In addition, there are plenty of functions to enjoy baby growth!Up to eight ( * 3) smartphones can be registered for each camera, so you can watch your child together even if your dad and mom are in separate places.
If the camera sensor detects the operation, sound, or temperature, you will receive a notification to the smartphone, and you can see the video reflected on the camera, so you can see the housework in the living room or kitchen while working at home.You can notice the change of the baby in the baby.In addition, when the room is dark, it is equipped with a "night mode ( * 4)" that automatically lights infrared LEDs.It is OK to watch the baby in a dark room.
Equipped with five kinds of good night sounds, a fetal sound, heart sound, white noise, waves, and rain sounds, and five kinds of lullabies, it can be played and stopped from smartphones.You can sound from the camera when a baby sleeping in the bedroom gets up and starts crying.
Because you can record a video ( * 6), you can leave a lot of cute babies, and the "time lapse" function that allows you to connect the one day's worth of videos at a time series at about 10x speed, has a baby's day.You can enjoy the movement in a short time.
In Panasonic, a "baby monitor" with a dedicated monitor machine.
The appeal of a baby camera is that it can be used not only when you are a baby, but also after you grow up and move around.It will also be useful when you get bigger and be able to answer.
Mr. Sakata also recommends those that have an "infrared function", such as the above -mentioned "baby camera" and "baby monitor".
"In the nighttime bedroom, darkening the room is a good sleep point for the baby. Lighting the room for a baby camera can hinder the baby's sleep, so it is good that there is an infrared function.Also, if you have a temperature sensor, it is easy to understand the timing of adjusting the room temperature, so you can prevent the baby from crying because of the unpleasant. "(Mr. Sakata).
If you get a baby camera or a baby monitor to watch over, you can feel more comfortable.
In addition, we are currently conducting a “Mama and Daddy Care Support Campaign” to present a “Digital Gift to Select” without purchasing the target baby monitor and camera, so don't miss this opportunity!
ベビーカメラのお得なキャンペーンをチェックする!Why don't you use a baby camera or a baby monitor to watch the baby who is worried about something?You may be able to balance housework, working from home and childcare well.If you are interested, please check the Panasonic page.
<今回お話を伺った専門家のご紹介>坂田陽子さん葛飾赤十字産院、愛育病院、聖母病院のNICU・産婦人科に勤務し、延べ3000人以上の母児のケアを行う。その後、都内の産婦人科病院で師長を経験。現在は東京で「すみれ出張助産院」を開業している。※1フルHD/HD映像に設定すると、宅外接続の際、データ量が多くなるので、パケット通信料が高くなります。ご契約のインターネット回線がxDSLなどでインターネット上り回線速度が低いような場合は、宅外接続で画像などが正常に表示できない場合があります。スマートフォン1台あたりインターネット上り帯域3Mbps以上の通信環境が必要です。※2Android™5.0以降を搭載し、GooglePlay™に対応したスマートフォン/タブレット、またはiOS10.0以降を搭載したiPhone(iPhone5s以降)、iPad(iPadAir以降)に対応しています。ご利用には専用アプリケーション「ホームネットワークW」のインストールが必要です。OSのバージョンアップに伴い「ホームネットワークW」アプリケーションが対応できるバージョンや端末も変更になることがあります。機器の接続にはグローバルIPアドレス[IPv4]「IPv6を用いたIPv4」が付与されるインターネット接続環境と、UPnP機能、「2.4GHz」の周波数帯域に対応した無線ルーターが必要です。※3宅外から同時にカメラ視聴できるスマートフォンは2台までです。※4周囲が暗いときは本機に内蔵の赤外線LEDが点灯して、映像を白黒で表示します。※5設定が必要です。本機能は赤ちゃんの睡眠を保証するものではありません。※6映像を記録、保存するにはmicroSDカード(別売)が必要です。TweetPocketNavigation Lists
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