The frequent opening of the router setting page is extremely minority.Connection account passwords to ISP only need to check the documents at the time of contract, but many passwords of wireless LAN will be changed to any password to make it easier to connect with a tablet or smartphone.
The trouble is when you forget the important wireless LAN password.If you can't remember your password even if you try to get a new device for online conferences and connect to a wireless LAN, check the information saved on Windows 10.
If you are used to the command line operation, try the following operations.Use the Netsh command to output the password in the setting information of the wireless LAN access point.From there, Select-String Commandet is extracted from the necessary character strings.If you use a command prompt, use the Findstr command.
netsh wlan show profile "{アクセスポイント名}" key=clear | Select-String コンテンツ |
Even better, if you use wireless LAN access information into files and use it in other PC environments, the import/export function of Netsh is convenient.Export executes the following command:
netsh wlan export profile name="{アクセスポイント名}" key=clear folder=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop |
Please replace the access point name with your SSID in your own environment.This has created an XML file with each information on the desktop.Imports the following command.
netsh wlan add profile filename="{XMLファイル名}" user=current |
If the access point information of the same name is maintained, an error of overwriting will occur, so if necessary, delete the access point information under the setting and execute it.
IT writer born in 1972.He became independent after working as a PC magazine, such as PC general magazines, DOS / V specialty magazines, and Windows specialized magazines.He loves Windows and Linux, and has written many PC -related books.In recent years, the main battlefield is not only BtoC but also interviews and interviews with BtoB solutions.He has been drinking every day without having a rest day, but the γ-GTP value has increased rapidly and is being urgently required to respond.
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