Retro games of memories that we loved
この時期お馴染みの、パッケージ右側から中身のケースを取り出すことが出来る形を採用しています。同様のパッケージは、『グーニーズ』や『魔城伝説』などでも使われていました。A series of nostalgic advertisements and game screens at the time, a serial corner that is immersed in the history and nostalgia of domestic PCs.This time, the Twin Bee, a shooting game that started operation in the arcade in 1985 and was ported to MSX the following year.
Speaking of 1986, it was a good harvest, with two MSX models appearing in the MSX area, but software that made the most of the MSX (1) functions.At that time, Konami released the MSX version of "Twin Bee", which debuted as an arcade game in 1985.
パッケージにはキャッチコピーは記されていませんでしたが、広告を見ると“ふたりのミラクルシューティング”というキャッチが書かれていました。また、パッケージ左下に書かれていた“オリジナルグッズが当たる! スピードくじ付き”についての解説もあります。The arcade version attracted a variety of topics during the operation as a novel vertical screen vertical scroll shooting, such as being able to play two people at the same time and equipped with optional equipment (alter ego) ahead of "Gradius".This work is a version that transplants it to MSX, but in the arcade version, the vertical screen has become a horizontal screen, and the graphics have been changed to MSX specifications.The story of this work was as follows.
ステージ1の序盤で装備を調えておかないと、あっという間に厳しい戦いを強いられてしまいます。防御重視でバリヤーを選ぶか、攻めの姿勢で分身を取るか、プレイヤーの腕に合わせた戦略が必要になります。In 2801, a treasure ball that has been handed down to Donburi for a long time appears.The islanders desperately resist, but the treasures of the treasure were taken away by the Great King and the four generals.Thus, Donburi was occupied by the Spice Great.An unusual genius scientist lived on the outskirts of the island.His name was Dr. Cinnamon, he had two sons, Donnamon and Konnamon, and the three continued to study secretly to beat the spice.The unique fighter "Twin Bee" and "Winbee" were created.Dr. gives two brave sons a fighter and sends out to defeat the Great.
各ステージの最後には、それぞれ特徴ある攻撃を仕掛けてくる将軍が待ち構えています。相手の猛攻をかわして、本体狙って撃ち込もむことができるか!?The player operates the twinbee or winby, and goes on a single gun to defeat enemies in the air and the terrestrial object with a bomb.If you shoot a single gun in the cloud that occasionally appears, a yellow power -up bell may appear, and the color changes every time you hit 5 shots, 10 shots, and when you take it at a specific color.It was a mechanism to power up my aircraft.When it is yellow, the bonus scores (starting from 500 points, to 10,000 points if it is collected continuously), blue is speeding up, white is a twin gun, green only (but only when playing), and red is barrier.It is.If you shoot too much, it will be a black bell, and if you touch it, you make a mistake.
When the terrestrial product is destroyed, the item appears, and by taking it, bonus scores (cherry) and power -ups (triple shots only in super candy) / crash stars have destroyed enemies and enemy bullets on the screen./ Miracle Milk collection has been added to one player).Of these power -ups, barriers and alter ego cannot be held at the same time / when playing alone, only one alter ego and triple shot / when playing two people, there is a limit that alter ego and triple shots cannot be held.。Remembering these rules, they went to a battle to regain Donburi.The score is not visible on the screen, but it is displayed when poses with the F1 key.
地上物を破壊したあと、スーパー・キャンディが出現することがあります。これを取れば、2連射できるトリプルショットで攻撃可能に! 代わりに分身を付けられなくなりますが、それでもかなり強いので、できる限りトリプルショット+バリアで攻略していきたいところです。Twinbee and Winbee throw bombs from their hands growing in their own aircraft to attack terrestrial items, but when this part hits enemy bullets, there is no way to break the ground material and it is in a pinch!Then, at the same time, an ambulance comes from the top of the screen, so you can resurrect it by entering it, and you can attack again on the ground.In this way, I captured the stage, and if I was able to defeat the Spice Great King waiting for stage 5, I will clear the first lap and rush to the second lap.
タイトル画面で、CTRLとZキーを押しながらTABキーを入力してゲームを始めると、なんと分身+バリヤーという夢の装備で出撃が可能! ただしショットはシングル砲でスピードも0速なので、スピードアップとツイン砲へパワーアップするのを忘れずに。This work is unusual for a shooting game at this time, and is characterized by two people at the same time.If 1P and 2P were united sideways, not only could you shoot a powerful firestone gun, but also a wide range of star attacks in the vertical coalescence.In addition, it can be said that the unique power -up method of changing the color by hitting the bell to the target equipment and changing the color is also noticeable.
In the MSX version, although their own aircraft and enemies are single colors, it is a huge hit, combined with unique characters such as drawn backgrounds, vegetables and kitchen supplies, and good BGMs.As you can see, MSX Magazine not only recorded the first place in the September 1986 issue, but also gave a dignified record, including the first appearance in the September 1986 issue of the first appearance.
後に発売される『グラディウス』を遊ぶ際に、『ツインビー』をカートリッジスロット2に挿し込んで起動すると、自機のビックバイパーがツインビーに、パワーアップカプセルがベルに変化する裏技が隠されていました。In addition, there is also a feature of the MSX version, such as the Hyokin Yokai "Citurke" that appeared in the MSX version "Makijo Legend" appeared in this work.Nevertheless, the difficulty level is a bit high, and the enemy's behavior is addictive, and when you go to collect the power -up bell, you will be hit by the body, and the enemy will appear from the bottom of the screen without warning, and you will remember the pattern firmly.It was hard.Even if you subtract it, the transplantation and perfection are quite good, and at that time I was crazy about playing until "Gradius" was released.
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