"Windows 10 Mini Tips" uses the latest Windows 10 environment at the time of each creation.
New Year's Day is over today.I guess there are many people who will be online or physically from tomorrow.
If you set private images such as family, lovers, and pet photos during winter vacation, it is troublesome to switch to the default background image.Therefore, I would like to introduce tips that easily disable the background image.
If the above search procedure feels complicated, run "MS-Settings: EaseOFACCESS-DISPLAY" from "Specify the file name" or the like, or create a shortcut file that calls the scheme.
I checked the specification procedure of the background image for this writing, but it is necessary to operate three steps, such as calling personal settings → "reference" button → double -click/tap selection of image file.The tips introduced this time are two steps as you can see.Although it is one step difference, it is easy to change the settings slightly.
Originally, it is a "simple operation" that supports visual impairment by minimizing the information drawn on the desktop, but it became difficult due to corona evil by enabling background images during private and disabling during work.It will also contribute to switching on and off.
IT writer born in 1972.He became independent after working as a PC magazine, such as PC general magazines, DOS / V specialty magazines, and Windows specialized magazines.While loving Windows and Linux, he has written a lot of PC -related books.In recent years, the main battlefield is not only BtoC but also interviews and interviews with BtoB solutions.He has been drinking every day without having a rest day, but the γ-GTP value has increased rapidly, and it is required to respond immediately.
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