Due to the influence of the new Corona, many companies have introduced remote work since 2020.More and more people are working at home.Although it is good to be released from the act of going to work, it is difficult to concentrate at home or it is difficult to change your mind.
So why not listen to the radio as BGM?Because it is difficult to concentrate on TV and videos, it is possible to listen while working.
Therefore, this time, I will create a mechanism to listen to "Radiko" with raspberry pie using Volumio + Hi -Res HaT, which was created in the 17th and 18th.
I think many people know Radiko, but this is a service that sheds commercial and NHK radio on Internet streaming.You may be using it on your smartphone or PC, so you may be using it.It is a mechanism to listen to radiko, but use a plugin called "Logitec Media Server" and "Squeezelite Player" prepared in Volumio.
Logitec Media Server is a tool for streaming music through the network.Various plugins have been developed for Logitec Media Server, and this time we will use "Raggiko Plugin" (Created by T YOSHIZAWA) to listen to Radiko.
First, install Logitec Media Server and Squeezelite Player.Click "Plug -in" under the left column on the left column of Volumio."Search for plug -in", then click "Install" in Logitec Media Server and Squeezelite Player in order.When the installation is completed, the item "Enable Plugin" is displayed. Click it to enable the plug -in.
左にある「プラグイン」をクリックし、Logitec Media ServerとSqueezelite playerの右下にある「インストール」をクリックしてそれぞれインストールするインストールが終了すると「Enable Plugin」と表示されるのでこれをクリックNext, move to each setting.Click on the "Installed Plugin" tab in the "Plug -in" to make sure that the installed Logitec Media Server and Squeezelite Player are displayed.Click the "Settings" of Squeeze Player to specify the DAC you attached to the "Output Device" item.
Next, let's move on to Logitec Media Server.On the previous screen, click "Settings" to the right of Logitec Media Server.On the next screen, "Logitec Media Server" will be displayed in the center. Click this.
続いてLogitec Media Serverの設定に移る。「設定」をクリック中央の「Logitec Media Server」をクリックするThen the screen switches like this, and the Logitec Media Server interface is displayed.Since there is no need for settings, continue clicking "NEXT" which is displayed small in the lower right.Finally, "Finish" is displayed, click it and end the settings.When you finish, the Logitec Media Server screen will be displayed.
Logitec Media Serverの画面に切り替わる。右下の「Next」をクリックしていくこの画面まで来たら「Finish」をクリックして設定を終わるLogitec Media Serverの画面が表示されるLet's set up Radiko in Logitec Media Server.Click "Set" at the bottom right of the Logitec Media Server screen.When the setting screen is opened, click the "Plugins" tab, scroll the screen to the bottom..gitHub.IO/Radiruko-Plugin/Repo.Enter "XML" and click "Apply" at the bottom right.
Once the screen is reset and returns to the beginning, scroll to the bottom.Then, the installed plug -in is displayed. Check the check box on the left and click "Apply" at the bottom right.After the setting is completed, follow the message to restart Logitec Media Server.After restarting, it will be displayed in the list of "Updated Plugins Available", so check all check boxes and click "Apply" to complete the settings.
「http://t-yoshi.gitHub.IO/Radiruko-Plugin/Repo.xml」と入力し、右下の「Apply」をクリックもう一度一番したまでスクロールして、加えたプラグインをチェックして「Apply」をクリック確認画面が表示されたら「OK」をクリックする再起動するか聞かれるので「Restart now」をクリック再起動するとメッセージが表示されるので「OK」をクリック「Updated plugins available」のリストにあるプラグイン全てをチェックして右下の「Apply」をクリックPlugins画面に戻り、設定は終了。右下の「Close」ボタンをクリックして設定画面を閉じるAfter moving to the main screen of Logitec Media Server, click "Radio" on the left.It is OK if an icon such as "Radio Radico" is displayed.By default, the Tokyo area is set, but you can specify the area by clicking "Setting" on the right of "Raggiko Basic Plugin" from "Plugins" on the "Setting" screen.In the case of premium members, click "Settings" to the right of "Rajico Premium Plugin" to display the login screen, so you can set it from there.
「Radio]をクリックすると一覧が表示される「らじるラジコ」を選ぶと放送局名がリストで表示される「らじるこ基本プラグイン」の右にある「セッティング」をクリックエリアの指定が可能プレミアム会員の設定画面Although it is a radio, if you select and display the broadcasting station you want to listen to from the broadcast station list, click "▶" to play.
ラジオ再生画面The settings are somewhat troublesome, but now you can use Radiko from Raspberry Pi.This may change the environment of home work.
As an aside, when I was an editor, when I went to the designer's office, FM was always flowing everywhere.It is still unknown what it was.It may be possible to focus if there is some sound than silence.When I finish my day's work, I spend time listening to my favorite music for refreshment.
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