Apps you definitely want to use on Windows 11
Rich the shell context menu in "Custom Context Menu"
This series introduces online software that you should definitely try if you upgrade to Windows 11.This is the third time, "Custom Context Menu", which allows you to freely add enough commands in the right -click menu of Windows 11, which is too simple.
Apps you definitely want to use on Windows 11 2021年 記事一覧
Speaking of the right -click (context) menu of the shell up to Windows 10, the command was added to the OS as it was installed on the OS, and it was always long and cluttered.However, in Windows 11, this was boldly organized, and only the frequently used commands were displayed compactly.I can find the desired command immediately, and I personally like it.
However, I often feel a little overkill.For example, when thawing (deployed) a document file, if the file format is ZIP, this compact shell context menu is enough.However, in the case of GZIP format and RAR format, the lack of power is exposed immediately.If you don't access the old and cluttered contest menu, you can't open it.Even if there is a [Send] menu ... I feel that at least I can add my favorite command easily.
Windows 10以前の右クリックメニューを表示する方法By the way, to access the traditional context menu, use the [Show Options] command at the bottom ([Shift] + [F10] key).If you use the previously introduced "Windows 11 Classic Context Menu", you can stop the new menu and return it to the old menu.
関連記事"Windows 11 Classic Context Menu" to return the right -click menu of Windows 11 to chaos
Unfortunately, the resurrection of the [Send] menu has no choice but to send a request (feedback) to Microsoft and wait for it to be implemented.Fortunately, you can add a custom command with "Custom Context Menu".
This software reads the configuration file (JSON format) stored in the local data folder, and adds a command to the [Custom Menu] item in the shell context menu (the name is customizable. Later).First, click the folder icon on the left side panel and access the local data folder.There, "Open with a notepad.Create a file called JSON and save the following as a copy and pace.
Returning to the app and pressing the refresh button, the command "Open with Notepad" will be registered in the list.
左サイドパネル上のフォルダーアイコンをクリックし、ローカルデータフォルダーにアクセス「メモ帳で開く.json」というファイルアプリに戻ってリフレッシュボタンを押すと、[メモ帳で開く]というコマンドがリストに登録されているIf you access the shell context menu in this state, a command menu "Open in Notepad" should be added to the [Custom Menu] item.If the [Custom Menu] item is not displayed, restart "Explorer" from "Task Manager".
[Custom Menu]項目に[メモ帳で開く]というコマンドメニューが追加されている(スクリーンショットは[Custom Menu]項目の名前が[Opwn with]にカスタマイズされている)「エクスプローラー」の再起動To restart "Explorer", first start the "Task Manager" from the right -click menu of the [Start] button ([Windows] + [X] key) and switch to [Details].If you select "Explorer" on the [Process] tab, the [Restart] button should appear at the bottom right of the screen, so click it.
[スタート]ボタンの右クリックメニュー([Windows]+[X]キー)などから「タスク マネージャー」を起動[詳細]に切り替え[プロセス]タブで「エクスプローラー」を選択。画面右下の[再起動]ボタンを押すIf you are used to "PowerShell", you may use the following command:
stop-process -name explorer -force
"Explorer" is designated as a process to restart it automatically, so you can achieve your purpose simply by stopping the process.
This configuration file can be edited on the GUI.At least three can be described: title (title), execution path (exe), and parameter (param).You can specify an additional menu icon, display the command menu only in the case of a specific extension (Match Extensions), display the command menu by right -clicking the folder (Match Folder).。After editing the configuration file, press the [Save] button at the top right of the screen before selecting another command, and don't forget to save it.Otherwise, the editing content may be lost.
Creating and editing configuration files may be a bit confusing for beginners.The sample of the configuration file is published on the following web page, so it is a good idea to refer to it.
Once you make a configuration file, you can use it in other environments simply by copying each local data folder.If you save and synchronize with "OneDrive", the setup from the next time should not be so difficult.Let's gradually increase the command at your own pace while getting used to how to use Windows.
If you want to customize the menu item name "Custom Menu", click the setting icon at the bottom right of the setting screen.The text box will appear, so change it to your favorite name.If the custom menu item itself is no longer needed, uninstall the app.After a while, the local data folder will be cleaned up, and the custom menu item will be deleted from the shell context menu.
「Custom Menu」というメニュー項目名はカスタマイズできる"Custom Context Menu" is an open source project hosted by "GitHub" (LGPL-3 is "LGPL-3".0 License ")) Can currently download free of charge from the release page.However, it is recommended to install from the Microsoft Store.The price is set to 130 yen (including tax), but it can be used without a time limit.If you like it, you should buy a license for development support.
「Microsoft Store」から検索してインストールするのがお勧めNavigation Lists
"Custom Context Menu" that allows you to add your favorite command to the shell context menuCategory
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