Setting application
しかし、それほど頻繁に行うものではない設定などは、これまで通り個別のアプリケーションを使用するか、コントロールパネルから該当機能までたどっていき、設定を行う必要がある。「Setting application」が導入されるまでは「コントロールパネル」がWindowsにおける設定の中心であり、ここからさまざまな設定を行っていた。
「Setting application」は後発のアプリケーションということもあり、それまでのコントロールパネルよりもUI/UXが直感的でわかりやすい。Windows 11の「Setting application」はWindows 10のSetting applicationよりもさらにUI/UXが洗練されており、直感的で使いやすいものになっている。
しかし、すべての設定が「Setting application」へ移行したわけではないというのが現実だ。当面の間、ユーザーはSetting applicationとコントロールパネルの双方を使わなければならない状況が続くことになる。
The control panel is Windows 1.It is a function that exists from 0.As the Windows version increased, the number of functions that can be set has increased, and UI/UX has changed.The ease of use can be used, but it takes some knowledge to reach the target setting dialog.It is difficult to reach the target function just by intuition.
「Setting application」のUI/UXはよく考えられており、比較的直感で操作して行っても目的の項目にたどり着きやすく、さらに検索フィールドを使えばダイレクトに対象となる設定ページに到達することができる。Setting applicationに慣れてしまうと、たまに開くコントロールパネルのどこに目的とする設定があったか探すのに苦労することがある。
One of the methods to improve the navigationness of such a control panel is a function called "Godmode".Microsoft is not officially explained about Godmode, but is a feature that is mounted on Windows from Windows Vista.This function is also called "Windows Master Control Panel Shortcut", which has been widely known to users from Windows 7.
God mode is a special folder, and when this folder is opened, various settings registered in the control panel are listed.The settings registered in the control panel are displayed in the list, making it an easy -to -use function, especially for advanced users.
God mode can be prepared by creating a folder with the following name.Any name before the dot is fine.The important thing is the string behind the dots.
Create a folder specified by the class ID for God mode as an extension as follows.
After creating a folder, close the file Explorer and open the folder again with a file Explorer, and you can see that the icon is not a folder icon but a control panel icon as follows.
When this folder is opened, a list is displayed in a list that allows you to access the file Explorer from the control panel.This is a nice feature for advanced users who often use control panels.
The configuration that can be accessed from the control panel is listed as follows.
This list display can be narrowed down by the search function.For example, if you enter a "display" in the search field, only the settings related to the display will be listed like the following screenshot.
If you squeeze it with "network", it will be as follows.
When narrowed down by "printer", it will be as follows.
Even if you forget where the settings are, you may be able to try it quickly than if you follow the normal control panel if you use a god mode.This is a function you want to try once if you often set up from the control panel.
Navigation Lists
The control panel is difficult to reach the destination God mode that masters control panels Use the search function in God modeCategory
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