The masterpiece focuses on improving the radio wave condition of Wi-Fi first.Regarding the radio wave condition of home Wi-Fi, we use a smartphone to create heat maps, make sure the weak point can be understood, and then use the Wi-Fi relay machine (extender) to complement the area.The setup was completed so that the Wi-Fi relay machine could be used until the last time.
自宅Wi-Fiエリアの弱いところを補完するWi-Fi中継機を活用中。Wi-Fi中継機は設置場所の調整がとっても重要なのだ。必ず調整しておこうThis time, the final fine adjustment will be made to the set Wi-Fi relay machine.The Wi-Fi relay machine, which relays radio waves, will be installed so that the Wi-Fi router radio waves reach but weaken, and the distance between the Wi-Fi router and the Wi-Fi relay machine is optimal.This is surprisingly difficult.
This is because if the Wi-Fi relay machine does not grab the radio waves of the Wi-Fi router, it will not be relayed, and in places where the radio waves are too strong, the area is not expanded very much and the connection to the relay machine does not easily switch.
The heat map created there is useful.In the area where the radio waves do not completely weaken, let's install it well in a place with an outlet.
The TP-Link "RE350" of the Wi-Fi relay machine used this time displays the radio strength of the Wi-Fi router in the ring color.If it shines in blue, it will be in the area.If it turns red, it's out of the area.
In other words, if the color changes at the installation location, it indicates that it is the last minute of the area where Wi-Fi can be used comfortably.
Wi-Fi中継機TP-Link「RE350」。接続しているWi-Fiルーターの電波強度が十分であれば、リング部分がブルーに光るWi-Fiルーターのエリアから外れていればリング部分が赤くなる一方、場所がギリギリだと青と赤が切り替わることも。時間をかけてチェックをしていこうTP-Linkの機器で設定に使うスマートフォンアプリ「Tether」。Wi-Fi中継機の設定後にログインしたところ。電波強度が弱い場所だと警告が表示される。警告バナーをタップしても表示できるが、[ツール]をタップThe Wi-Fi relay machine is used directly into the outlet and used it, so it is not a reason to carry it, but I would like to check the connection status for a while at the place where I started using it, so that I do not neglect to move if there is a problem.
In addition, many Wi-Fi relay machines have similar functions that display radio wave strength from Wi-Fi routers.
The smartphone application "Tether" that can be used in TP-Link products allows you to check the radio wave intensity.After logging in to the device to be set, the [Location Assistant] function is used to display the [Tool] tab at the bottom.Here, if you tap [Confirm Wi-Fi signal], you will find out if the strength is sufficient.You may use this.
[ロケーションアシスタント]という機能が利用できる。これをタップ[Wi-Fiシグナルを確認]をタップすると計測される離れすぎていて計測結果が悪いときは、もう少しWi-Fi中継機をルーターへ近づけようちょっと近づけると良好になるIn the previous application "Wi-Fi Mirel" [*1], when I created a heat map, including the Wi-Fi relay machine, the yellow part that I had had before was gone, all of which were areas.I was able to include it inside
[*1] …… Upgrading the iPhone to iOS13, so please note that the app has stopped starting.It seems that it will be corrected in the update someday
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