Pore troubles that a wide range of generations such as pores, darkening, and sagging are suffering.In addition, early measures are important, as the condition of the skin gets worse in daily mask life.
Therefore, this time, we conducted a questionnaire survey after actually using the House Gomage Shucre Powzage on the company's product on the monitor of 100 people.
・ Survey period: June 7, 2021 (Monday) to June 22 (Tue) * Use for 15 days per person (used once every 3 days x 5 times)
・ Survey target: 100 women between 25 and 39 years old ・ Research company: Japan Marketing / Research Association Regarded Survey Q1.How was the satisfaction of "How Gomage Shukure Po Visage" this time?
I handed the House Gomage Shukure Pow Visage one by one and tried it in the correct way.In the subsequent questionnaire, 92%answered that it was better to use it.In addition, it is more than 90%by age.・ 25-29 years old: 90.3%, 30-34 years old: 93.7% / 35-39 years old: 94.5%In addition, we asked more detail for each usability.Q2.Did you feel that the pores became less noticeable (in one use)?
Once clogged, pores that do not fall off.However, I realized that 71%of the total was effective in the pores this time.Q3.Did you feel that your skin was stiff?
92%of those who answered that old keratin and drying have improved and have stiff skin.In addition, when I investigated how many times I felt the effect of the person who answered that it was stiff, more than half in the second time 76..0%is the third time 94.It turns out that 5%of the skin has been stiff.
Q4.After use, have the lotion spread more?
Especially high numbers are 35-39 years old 89.1 %.Furthermore, those who answered that the makeup has improved is 89 in all ages..It was 0%.Q5.Did you feel moisturized without feeling the washing?
House Gomage Shukure Pow Visage is a vitamin such as vitamin C derivative and vitamin A derivatives, and a highly moisturizing microsugger so that dry skin and inadry people, which are common in adult girls, can be taken without burden on the skin.Combine.As a result, 93%answered that the washing was moisturized.Q6.Do you think you can continue to use your skin quality in the future?
After using one person, 89%of respondents answered, "I think we can continue to use the skin quality."Also, if you answered that you would recommend it to your friends and families, 85..It was 0%.
ハウ ゴマージュ シュクレ ポー ヴィサージュを使用することで毛穴の目立ちや肌のごわつきが取れて、より化粧水が角質層まで浸透し、化粧のノリも良くなると感じた方が多いことが分かりました。また、洗浄力だけでなく、洗い上がりのツッパリもなくしっかりと保湿されるのがハウ ゴマージュ シュクレ ポー ヴィサージュのポイントです。今回のモニター調査では、ほとんどの質問で35~39歳の方たちの回答が平均よりも高い数字となりました。◆商品特徴・マツエクOK・オーガニック成分配合・ビタミン配合・保湿力の高いマイクロシュガー配合・柑橘系の優雅な香り◆使い方(週に2~3回)1:クレンジング後の濡れた肌に10g(500円玉目安)を優しくマッサージするように顔全体にのせます2:5分程なじませます(シュガーゴマージュが溶けて美容成分が角質層まで浸透します)3:ぬるま湯でよく洗い流します◆「ハウ ゴマージュ シュクレ ポー ヴィサージュ」商品概要商品名:HOW? Gommage Sucré pour visage(ハウ ゴマージュ シュクレ ポー ヴィサージュ)価格:5,980円(税込)内容量:50g購入サイト:https://how-official.jp/lp?u=lp_gommage-00001&argument=kd4u2lQl&dmai=a606e7b2a2134d発売日:2021年4月1日(木)成分:ミネラルオイル、スクロース、タルク、ヤシ油脂肪酸PEG-7グリセリル、ジステアルジモニウムヘクトライト、グリセリル(ベヘン酸/エイコサン二酸)、キャンデリラロウ、香料、パルミチン酸レチノール、テトラヘキシルデカン酸アスコルビル、トコトリエノール、乳酸桿菌/ブドウ果汁発酵液、マンダリンオレンジ果皮エキス、ゼニアオイ花エキス、ウメ果実エキス、キイチゴエキス、パパイン、ビサボロール、ザクロ種子油、マンゴー種子脂、ヒマワリ種子油、クランベリー種子油、スクレロカリアビレア種子油、コーン油、ヒマシ油、BG、水、1,2-ヘキサンジオール、カプリリルグリコール、カルボマー、アルギン酸Na、水酸化Al、マロン酸ビスエチルヘキシルヒドロキシジメトキシベンジル、酸化チタン、カルミン、フェノキシエタノール◆HOW?(ハウ)についてBeauty for your Dreams 〜あなたの夢のために美しく〜 美容が、誰かにとって必要で、happinessに繋がることを信じて、私たちは『美しくなりたいすべての人達のために』働きます。日本中を笑顔に。全ての方が夢を叶える為に。<公式Instagram>https://www.instagram.com/how_official_jp/<お問い合わせ先>株式会社Cocoda JapanHOW?運営事業部0120-167-678Category
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