Regarding mobile phone regular contracts (so -called "binding"), NTT DOCOMO abolished on October 1 with their own "Canceled Reserves" system.Softbank will also abolish the cancellation fee on February 1, 2022, except for some plans for corporations, except for some corporate plans for both SoftBank and Y! Mobile.
In that case, KDDI, which develops "au" and "UQ mobile," and Okinawa Cellular Phone will question how to cancel.
According to the KDDI Public Relations Department, au and UQ Mobile mobile phone services are being adjusted to eliminate the cancellation fee within 2021 (until March 2022).Details are currently being adjusted, such as the abolition date of the cancellation fee, and will be officially announced as soon as they are united.
At the latest, by March 2022, the "cancellation fee" of major carriers' mobile phone services is likely to be a past, except for a very small part.
auにおいて「2年契約」の対象となる料金プランと、中途解約時の解約金。これらのプランも、そんなに古いプランではないauにおいて現役の「2年契約N」の対象となる料金プランと、中途解約時の解約金。現在も新規契約を受け付けているプランも少なくないUQ mobileでは、スマートフォン/フィーチャーフォン向けの旧プラン「おしゃべりプラン」「ぴったりプラン」と「データ高速+音声通話プラン」「データ無制限+音声通話プラン」において解約金の設定があるCategory
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