The Internet is fundamentally American, but it was necessary to leave the United States to fully understand what it means.The World Wide Web was invented in Geneva's CERN Research Institute in 1989, but the web accessed is as American as baseball, so American ICs have a home advantage.Cables, satellites, servers, communication tower, and Internet infrastructure are under the ruling of the United States, so 90 % of the world's Internet traffic is developed, owned and operated by the US government and American companies.Go through.
Most of these companies are physically in the United States.Traditionally, countries that are concerned about such advantages, such as China and Russia, have decided to create alternatives such as large gold shields, censorship search engines for government investment, or state -owned satellite groups that provide selective GPS.However, the hegemony of the United States is continuing, and almost everyone is a master switch administrator that can be turned on and off without permission.
It is not only Internet infrastructure that it is fundamentally defined as American -like, with computer software (Microsoft, Google, Oracle) and hardware (HP, Apple, Dell)。From chips (Intel, Quarcom), routers, modems (Cisco, Juniper), platforms that provide email, social networks and cloud preservation (Google, Facebook, and Amazon are more important in structural but difficult to see. Amazon is Amazon.This is also the case with cloud services to the US government and half of the Internet).
These companies may, for example, the production of devices may be done in China, but the company itself is under the jurisdiction of the US law.The problem is that these are also influenced by American secret policies, so that the law can monitor almost any young and old men and women who have been touching or calling a
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90 % of traffic via the United StatesCategory
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