In recent years, when remote work has penetrated, the exchange of materials has increased by e -mail or sharing data using file storage, etc., rather than outputting and handing it on paper.
When you send or share the materials created in Excel to others, of course, you can use the Excel file, but you can also use the data converted to PDF.The advantage of giving a PDF and handing it to the other party is that it is relatively easy to see, no matter what environment the other person receives.Another advantage is that if you set it to a PDF, you can prevent it from being rewritten by the other party.
Do you know that you can put the information you need in the header and footer as well as printing the Excel book in PDF format?If you put the creator or page number of the material, it will be an easy -to -read material.This time, I will explain how to save the book in PDF format after setting the header or footer.
Let's consider the "Market Share" sheet and the "number of employees by age" sheet (①) as an example.In this section, set the name of the material creator to the header of these sheets and the page number on the footer.
「市場シェア」シート、「年代別従業員数」シートという2つのシート(①)が含まれる「〇月〇日打合せ資料」ブック(②)を例に進めますI want to set a header and footer in two sheets, a "market share" sheet and a "age number" sheet, so select both of these sheets.To select multiple sheets, use the Ctrl key.Currently, the "Market Share" sheet is selected, so you can select both sheets by clicking the "Ctrl] key and clicking the" number of employees "sheet (③).
[Ctrl]キーを押しながら、「年代別従業員数」シートのシート見出しをクリック(③)Since the two sheets are selected (④), then click the [Page Layout] tab (⑤) → [Print title] (⑥).
2つのシートが選択された状態になる(④)ので、続けて[ページレイアウト]タブ(⑤)→[印刷タイトル](⑥)をクリックThe [Page Settings] dialog box is displayed. Click the Header/Footer tab (⑦).First, let's set from the header.Click [Edit Header] (⑧) in the center of the screen.
[ヘッダー/フッター]タブ(⑦)をクリック→画面中央にある[ヘッダーの編集](⑧)をクリックThe [Header] dialog box is displayed. Enter "Creator: Tomomi Yamada" (⑨) in the text area of [Right], and click [OK] (⑩).
[右側]のテキストエリアに「作成者:山田知美」(⑨)と入力Return to the Page Settings dialog box.Let's make sure that the contents set earlier are reflected (⑪).Continue to set the footer.Click [Edit Footter] (⑫) in the center of the screen.
The Futter dialog box is displayed. Click the text area of [Central] and then click [Insert page number] (⑭).
[中央部]のテキストエリアに「&[ページ番号]」(⑮)と表示されるのを確認して[OK](⑯)をクリックReturn to the Page Settings dialog box.Let's make sure that the contents of the footer set earlier are reflected (⑰).Press [Print Preview] (⑱) at the bottom of the screen to display the print preview screen.When saving in PDF format, it will be saved as the image displayed on the print preview screen, so click to check.
フッターの内容が反映されていることを確認(⑰)。[印刷プレビュー](⑱)を押すThe [Print] screen is displayed, and a print preview is displayed on the right side of the screen.Confirm that the creator name (⑲) is displayed on the right side of the header part of the paper, and the page number (⑳) is displayed in the center of the footer part.
用紙のヘッダー部分の右側に作成者名(⑲)、フッター部分の中央にページ番号(⑳)が表示されるIn addition, click the arrow next to the page number and make sure that both seats in the book have headers and footers.After confirming, click the arrow button at the top left of the screen to return to the seat.
Up to this point, the header and footer settings are complete.In the next section, let's actually save it in PDF format.
Up to the previous section, the header was set for the creator for the creator, the number of pages in the footer, and two sheets.Here, let's save these sheets as PDF.
First, it is confirmed that both the "market share" and the "number of employees" are selected (①).Continue, click the File tab (②).
「市場シェア」シートと「年代別従業員数」シートが両方とも選択されていることを確認(①)→[ファイル]タブ(②)をクリックSelect [Save with name] (③) from the left side of the screen, and click [This PC] (④) from the center column in the center of the screen.Here, the storage location is [Desktop] (⑤).Click the arrow button (⑥) at the right end of the [File Type] column to display a list of files, and you can select the file format you want to save from here.From this [PDF (*).Select pdf).
[名前を付けて保存](③)を選択し、画面中央の欄から[このPC](④)をクリック。保存場所を[デスクトップ](⑤)にして、[ファイルの種類]欄の右端にある矢印ボタン(⑥)から[PDF(*.pdf)](⑦)を選択In the File Name field, the same name as the Excel book name is displayed (⑧), so do not change it, click [Save] (⑨) and save.
[ファイル名]欄は変更せず(⑧)、[保存](⑨)をクリックGo to the desktop and open the saved PDF.Two sheets in the "〇 Months Meeting Material" book have been converted to PDF (⑩).Scroll the screen and make sure that the creator name is set on the header and the page number is set on the footer.
「〇月〇日打合せ資料」ブックの2つのシートがPDFに変換されましたThis time, I explained how to save Excel sheets in PDF format after setting the header or footer.
Remote work has been promoted, and the exchange of materials has increased from paper media.PDF format files are relatively easy to see from any device, and you can check them out properly, so it is convenient to know how to convert from Excel to PDF.At that time, you can set the necessary information for the header and footer as well as printing, so be sure to remember it.
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I want to save Excel materials with PDF! Set the necessary information for the header and footer Save in PDF format Remember that Excel files can be stored in PDF formatCategory
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