How do you deal with the lack of storage of iPhone that can't add MicroSD?
Uploading photos and videos to the cloud storage makes it easier to share data on PCs, other smartphones, and tablets (images are from Dropbox).
[ICloud storage (additional capacity plan)]
[Apple One]
( * 1) The photos / videos uploaded in the “Save in high quality” settings by May 31, 2021 will not be counted into the capacity.Photos / videos uploaded in Google's Android smartphone "Pixel Series" with "high quality" settings will not be counted in capacity after June 1, 2021.
<15GBの容量で足りない場合は、有料の「Google One(グーグルワン)」を契約することで容量を増やせます。料金は「Google Pay」(Googleアカウント)に登録した決済方法で年額(一部容量を除く)、または月額で支払えます。
Use the "Google Photo" to save photos or videos, and to save other files, use the "Google Drive" app.
iPhone版DropboxアプリDropbox Plus(3年ライセンス)の詳細をチェック!
iPhone version ONEDRIVE app
Import screen on Windows 10 (the image is when displayed in English)
Import screen with macOS (image is when displayed in English)
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