I'm Nishimaki, in charge of digital articles on Getnavi Web.
In 2021, despite many things I wanted to do, I made an excuse for being busy or troublesome, but I postponed it in 2022, but one of them, I started improving my dietary habits as soon as possible.I told you what you did the other day.
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Improvement of dietary habits to the introduction of the topical desk .... Getnavi Web editorial staff "I want to do it" in 2022
For improvements, a health food that contains 59 kinds of nutrients in a well -balanced manner
"Yuglena Yuglena
この"Yuglena Yuglena
However, I was worried.First of all, it is a tablet, so it can be carried in a pill case.You can easily bring it to the go.It seems that you can take it at any time in one day.
So in my case, when I went out, I carried it as much as possible, and when I forgot the pill case and ingestion itself, I did not decide on the timing after returning home.
"Yuglena Yuglena
"I can eat abundant nutrients every day, so it is okay to eat what I like, I want to eat a lot of fried chicken with mayonnaise, I want to eat a tonkatsu soaked in the sauce."
しかし、それでは意味がないわけです。食生活を改善するために、"Yuglena Yuglena
ただ、これまで手軽に食べられるファストフードやレトルト食品を主食としてきた私にとって、バランスのいい食事がどういったものなのかがわかりません。そこでとにかく体によさそうなものを食べようと、ご飯と味噌汁、肉や魚などの主菜、野菜やきのこといった副菜を適当に食べ、もし不足があれば"Yuglena Yuglena
As your diet is improved one by one, you will want to aim for a higher level.In addition, I started thinking about eating a lot of vegetables, for example, and prepared raw vegetable salads at a heap when eating.
これが辛かったです。元来味の濃いものや油っこい食べ物が好きなので、いきなり野菜をたくさん食べようとしても進みません。こんな食生活はさすがに続けられないとすぐに断念。"Yuglena Yuglena
"Yuglena Yuglena
In addition, because they consume about 1 billion Euglena every day, "approximately 1 billing is about 1GB in terms of bytes. If this is a great leap, it is carried over to the body every day by 1GB every day.It will be. If Giga increases so much, it will be Uhahaha. "
When your diet is getting improved, you will want to take another step and maintain and improve your body.So I didn't go to intense exercise, but I got off in front of one station at the nearest station, walked to my house, and used stairs instead of escalators to move my body.
Following a well -balanced diet and light exercise, health management seems not to be a dream."I want to manage the health that can be managed because the work progress management is jerky," he finds hope.If this continues, I am looking forward to the 2022 health checkup.
"Yuglena Yuglena
On the other hand, because I take it every day, I want to increase the effect as much as possible.Yuglena is not alive, but I want you to work more in your body and increase productivity.
So I thought of sleep."Even now, publishers are controlling overtime, but that I have been awake until midnight, isn't Euglena forced overtime late at night? To increase productivity more efficiently, to Euglena.I wonder if I need to rest. "
Whether this idea is correct, you can be healthier if you improve your sleep life.First of all, I tried to sleep early when I could.Of course, you may work late, but if you turn your consciousness, you will have more days to sleep quickly.Then, the number of days when I got up early in the morning gradually increased.
If you can sleep early on weekdays, you can afford your physical strength on holidays that have been tired so far.You can walk or go out without spending time at home.It is a fulfilling holiday that can not be imagined until now.I feel that nature and stress have been resolved.
もうひとつ、早起きすると新たな発見がありました。ある朝、妻がヨーグルトを食べていたのです。本人は腸活のためと言っており、日課にしているとのこと。早起きしていなければ気づきませんでした。家族の変化を知るのは重要です。そして、ヨーグルトと言えば乳酸菌。乳酸菌は、"Yuglena Yuglena
食生活の乱れの改善のために摂取し始めた"Yuglena Yuglena
健康習慣を変える第1歩として、"Yuglena Yuglena
なお、今回試したのはタブレットタイプですが、料理に加えるなどできる自由度の高い粉末タイプの"Yuglena Yuglena
[Photo gallery] * You can view it by tapping the image.It cannot be viewed from some SNS.
Writing / Yuta Nishimaki, shooting / Yukoto Moro
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[Day 5] I was able to make it a habit because it was easy to take anywhere. [Day 7] I realize that just because there is Euglena in the body, it doesn't mean you can eat it as you like. [9th day] I could afford to eat a lot of vegetables, but it was impossible. [Day 11] The dietary habits begin to improve and have greed for health [Day 15] I went to bed early to get Euglena to increase productivity. [Day 21] Perfect as the first step to change health habits!I decided to continueCategory
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