Lenovo 8 I mentioned below.The 8 -inch small size Android tablet "Lenovo Legion Y700" has been officially announced.
レノボの8.8インチ片手タブ「Legion Y700」完全スペック公開!【価格は4万円台か】明日にも発表が見込まれているレノボの8.8インチAndroidタブレット「Lenovo Legion Y700」ですが、同時発表される予定の...daily-gadget.net2022-02-27 13:45At the same time, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 gaming smartphone "Legion Y90" has been announced.
レノボの新型ゲーミングスマホはSSDとUFSのRAID0構成!【Lenovo Legion Y90】下記でお伝えした通り、2月28日にレノボから8.8インチ小型ハイスペックAndroidタブレット「Lenovo Legion Y700」が登...daily-gadget.net2022-02-20 13:54The price of the Y700 tablet is 2,199 people (about $ 350, about 40,000 yen) for the 8GB/128GB version, and the 12GB/256GB version is 2,499 yuan (about $ 400, about 46,000 yen).
No development outside of China has been announced.This is where I want to expect in the future.
The specifications have been leaked in advance and match.The Y90 is also according to the specifications in the opening article.
Snapdragon 870, like OPPO Pad announced by OPPO.
OPPOから2月24日に新型タブ「OPPO Pad」爆誕!ついに公式ティザー公開下記でお伝えしていたOPPO初となるAndroidタブレット「OPPO Pad」が、ついに同社公式Weiboにティザーを掲載しました。...daily-gadget.net2022-02-22 08:03However, all other companies tablets are 10.It is a standard size of 1 to 12 inches, and the iPad mini size is currently only Lenovo's unit.
I would like to look forward to the spread of other companies in the future.
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