In the annual "Use of Corporate Network", which Nikkei Network is implemented every year, we are listening to switches, wireless LAN equipment, and router / UTM vendors.
This time, let's look at the results of the wireless LAN section in the 2021 survey.In the wireless LAN category, we asked about the vendors of the product used for two genres, a wireless LAN access point (AP) and a wireless LAN controller.
As a result, the first and second place of the AP were Cisco Systems and Buffalo.This is the same as the last survey in 2020.But last time 6.The difference that was 9 points was 13.It spread to 7 points.Not only the switch but also the AP, the strength of Cisco Systems was conspicuous.
無線LANアクセスポイントベンダーの順位[画像のクリックで拡大表示]NEC / NEC Platforms, which was third place last time, retreated to fourth place.Instead, HPE, which was 4th place last time, ranked 3rd in the ranking.Looking at the size of the company that has introduced AP, the tendency that the buffalo is strong on a small scale and the Sysco Systems is strong in large scale.Cisco Systems ranked first in "101 to 500 units", "501 to 1000 units", and "1001 or more".Buffalo ranks first in "1 to 20 units", "21-50" and "51 to 100".
クライアント数ごとの無線LANアクセスポイント上位3社の順位[画像のクリックで拡大表示]日経クロステック Activeは、IT/製造/建設各分野にかかわる企業向け製品・サービスについて、選択や導入を支援する情報サイトです。製品・サービス情報、導入事例などのコンテンツを多数掲載しています。初めてご覧になる際には、会員登録(無料)をお願いいたします。
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