Thinking about wireless routers is only when you are in trouble because of the problem.But that's because we care more about wireless routers than expected.Downloads that take time, web pages that are only half displayed, images that solidify during Skype.
"In this way, wireless LAN is an important utility," says Nick Weaver."It's the same as electricity and water, it's a problem if it's natural."
Weaver is the founder of EERO, which is working to improve the Internet environment in the home, and has released a wireless router system called "EERO".
The first thing you notice is the appearance of the EERO.It has a neat design, but this is to put the device in a place where you can see it, and to greatly improve the performance of the Wi-Fi network at home.If you try to hide the router in an invisible place, the interference will increase and the Internet will be reduced.
The best sale of EERO design lies in its ease of handling.This device is connected to the cloud and is automatically updated, so the security hole is automatically patched.EERO is managed by a dedicated app and connects with your network name and password with a single button.
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You can always check the connection speed, and you will be performing an Internet connection "health checkup", so you can easily see the cause when you are in trouble.
Devices connected by wireless LAN and Bluetooth can be managed with smartphones, allowing them to organize and use the complex relationship between devices."To do so, we need some kind of infrastructure that uses the API well, and many debts will lead to a network," said Weaver.They are trying to play EERO as the infrastructure.
The company chose Fred Bold for industrial design.Bold is designed to design a number of devices in the future living room connected to the Internet.He cooperated with NEST with the design of thermostat and smoke inspection, and was involved in the design of the streaming device Roku Box.
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EERO has a lot of curves, and its contents are "small computers" with seven antennas in Weaver's words.From the side, you can see that the upper side is slightly round.As a result, it is a soft device that is not found in ordinary routers.
NEST products and ROKUs are also made from straight and curves, which is a unique design feature of many bold works."The straight line expresses our order, logic, and structure, and the curves represent the emotions and feelings of a good feeling," he explained."There are harmony and tension between these two."
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