The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics is approaching the fourth, but there is a danger that is as good as the expansion of the new Coronavirus infection.
Hackers around the world are aiming for cyber attacks.The Olympics are the "festival" of hackers.The gun is already ringing who will take the gold medal in "Back Olympic".
"DarkReading" is one of the specialized news sites for cyber security that is widely read on the web in the United States.COM (Dark Creeding Com).It is said that corporate security officers, security researchers and technology specialists are reading.
Therefore, what is now a hot topic is the whereabouts of the gold medal of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.The users on this site are watching the Tokyo Olympics, how to protect the management from hackers around the world, how to break the hackers, and watch the game.
"DarkReading."COM" (July 5) posted "Watch for CyberseCurity Games at the Tokyo TOKYO OLYMPICS" (let's look at the Cyber Security Tournament at the Tokyo Olympics).I am Jessica Amado.She is the Cyber Research Officer of the Sepio Systems, which protects companies from cyber attacks.Amado first wrote about the difficulties of the Tokyo Olympics security staff.
「東京五輪を警備するセキュリティの専門家は、少なくとも選手と同じくらいの競争に直面しており、その失敗は(選手以上に)急激な影響を及ぼす可能性がある。ハッカーたちと接戦だったが、2018年平昌(ピョンチャン)冬季五輪は、始まる前にゲームはほぼ終わった。有害なサイバー攻撃が、開会式とその後のスポーツイベントに深刻な混乱を引き起こした。幸いなことに、セキュリティの専門家たちは、技術オペレーションセンターで眠れない夜を過ごした後、迅速かつ効率的にネットワークの混乱を元に戻し、復旧を可能にした」As I will describe later, at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the Russian intelligence agency was severe cyber attacks, and the opening ceremony and the competition ticket sales occurred, but the damage was minimized, and the operation of the competition was safe.It's over.However, nearly 200 technicians were urgently called on the day of the opening ceremony, and responded all night.
Amado continues:
「3年後、脅威の状況は変わり、東京五輪は前の大会(=平昌冬季五輪)よりも安全ではない。実際、IT技術への大きな依存がさらに増しているからだ。ハッカー相手の〈裏オリンピック〉は、これまでで最も脆弱なゲームになるかもしれない。コロナ禍のために観客が制限され、観客がオンラインで競技を見なければならなくなり、ハッカーたちに格好の襲撃対象を与えることになった。自分のスキルを披露したくて準備をしているのはアスリートだけではないのだ」The Tokyo Olympics plan to use as many cutting -edge IT technology as ever, but Amado pointed out that it is increasing the risk of being attacked.The Pyeongchang Olympics rely on more than 10,000 PCs, more than 20,000 mobile devices, 6300 Wi-Fi routers, and 300 servers.However, the Tokyo Olympics are much higher than that.The attack target has increased dramatically.
And Amado tied like this.
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