Choosing a product is to worry about your head when you introduce a new wireless LAN router or replace it with an old device.Many models are sold by manufacturers, and it is difficult to understand which products are suitable for their use.
Furthermore, even if you check the specifications of the product on the catalogs, websites, packages, etc. obtained at stores, it is difficult to judge which is the most important information, with unfamiliar standard names and manufacturers.。For this reason, it is easy to make mistakes such as choosing expensive products that are not suitable for the application or unnecessary functions.
Master the "correct reading of the catalog" in choosing a product so that you do not make such mistakes.
The most important thing when choosing a wireless LAN router is the confirmation of the corresponding standard.
The latest standard for wireless LANs that are generally sold is "IEEE 802.11AX".The price of IEEE 802.11AX compatible products has been very good in 2021, so it is not necessary to choose the old standard product.Therefore, select the product that says IEEE 802.11AX in the catalog or package.
However, in many products, notation such as "Wi-Fi 6" and "Wi-Fi 5" is conspicuous, making it difficult to understand the official standard starting from IEEE 802.11.Wi-Fi 6 is a notation recommended by industry groups as a nickname for IEEE 802.11AX.Another Wi-Fi 5 indicates the old standard "IEEE 802.11ac".In addition, many products are written as "11ax" or "AX", which abbreviated IEEE 802.11AX.
There is no difference between Wi-Fi 6 and IEEE 802.11AX, 11ax, and AX, so remember to choose one of these.
Wi-Fi 6ルーター(左)とWi-Fi 5ルーター(右)のパッケージを並べた。Wi-Fi 6ルーターには「Wi-Fi 6」と記載されているが、Wi-Fi 5ルーターには「11ac」と記載されている撮影:田代 祥吾[画像のクリックで拡大表示]日経クロステック Activeは、IT/製造/建設各分野にかかわる企業向け製品・サービスについて、選択や導入を支援する情報サイトです。製品・サービス情報、導入事例などのコンテンツを多数掲載しています。初めてご覧になる際には、会員登録(無料)をお願いいたします。
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