The number of Wi-Fi equipment used at home, such as smartphones, PCs, tablets, and smart TVs, is increasing.
NEC「Aterm AM-AX3600HP」(出典:Amazon)In addition, remote work, online classes and remote learning by working from home have become popular, and the Wi-Fi environment in the home is very crowded.If the key Wi-Fi router is a few years ago, it may be time to replace it with a faster "Wi-Fi 6 (Waifa Six)" compatible model.
This time, we will introduce a model that can be purchased at a reasonable price of 15,000 yen among Wi-Fi 6 compatible routers.
Wi-Fi 6 is officially "IEEE 802.It is a wireless LAN standard called 11ax.If you use a Wi-Fi router, on the main unit, "IEEE 802.11n "and" IEEE 802.You can see that the corresponding standard such as "11ac" is displayed.
アイ・オー・データ機器「WN-DAX1800GR/E」(出典:Amazon)Wi-Fi 6 compatible smartphones are being released one after another, and iPhone models are compatible with iPhone 11 or later models.Android is especially high-spec models compatible with Wi-Fi 6.
If your smartphone or computer is compatible with Wi-Fi 6, you will be able to connect to the router in a more comfortable environment by using Wi-Fi 6-compatible products without hesitation.
It is premised on the use of a fixed broadband line such as an optical line, but if it is a general usage, it can be said that it is enough if a single -person user uses it in one room.
広い家ではエントリーモデルを複数使用してメッシュネットワークを構築するという手も。バッファロー「WSR-1500AX2S」(出典:Amazon)Of course, it is also assumed that there are multiple rooms or a house, so there will be almost no problems in a few simultaneous connections, family condominiums and houses.
On the other hand, the high -power model is effective when there is a distance between the router and the device, such as a three -story house with a wide layout of properties.There are many connected devices such as smartphones and personal computers, and it is also recommended for heavy use, such as watching distribution videos at the same time.
高速なネット回線を導入している場合は、高速なWANポートを搭載したモデルを選ぶのがおすすめ。NEC「Aterm AM-AX3600HP」(出典:Amazon)Many of the cospa models are equipped with only 1Gbps ports.If a 10Gbps high -speed Internet line is drawn at home, I would like to consider purchasing a high power model for high -speed communication.
"WRC-X1800GSA-B" is an Elecom reasonable Wi-Fi 6 compatible router.We adopt a built -in antenna that takes advantage of the know -how of the subsidiary antenna maker "DX antenna".
エレコム「WRC-X1800GSA-B」(出典:Amazon)4 internal antennas (2).4GHz band: 2 transmission reception, 5GHz band: 2 transmission reception).Equipped with a "band steering function", it automatically selects and connects a comfortable bandwidth.Compatible with "beam forming Z", which concentrates and transmits radio waves, it is easier to connect with iPhone 13 and 12 corresponding terminals.
The actual selling price on EC sites is around 9000 to 11,000 yen.In addition, the product itself is the same as the old model number WRC-X1800GS-B, with different options such as packages and support.
Amazonで詳細をチェック楽天で詳細をチェック"WN-DAX1800GR/E" is a dual band Wi-Fi 6 compatible router for I-O data devices.It is equipped with "360 (Sanlokumaru) Connect" technology that can transmit and receive radio waves without creating a blind spot of radio waves in 360 degrees up, down, left and right, and depth.
アイ・オー・データ機器「WN-DAX1800GR/E」(出典:Amazon)Two internal antennas (2).4GHz & 5GHz transmission / reception x 2).Despite being a reasonable cospa model, it is a powerful specification with 4LDK, three -story, 20 connections.
The actual selling price on EC sites is around 9000 yen to 10,000 yen.Since it has four LAN ports, it is also recommended for use with a wired connection device.
Amazonで詳細をチェック楽天で詳細をチェック"RT-AX55" is an entry model Wi-Fi 6 router made by Taiwan ASUS, which is familiar with PC parts and displays.It is compatible with the company's mesh function, "AIMESH", and by combining it with a compatible ASUS Wi-Fi router, the range of radio waves can be expanded seamlessly.
ASUS「RT-AX55」(出典:Amazon)The design with four external antennas is also characteristic.There are four LAN terminals, and the wired connection is substantial.It also has a strong security, such as "malicious site block" and "infected device detection/block" that adopt trend micro technology.
The actual selling price on EC sites is around 11,000 yen.In addition to this black, the white model is also available.
Amazonで詳細をチェック楽天で詳細をチェックBuffalo "WSR-1500AX2S" is an entry model for Wi-Fi 6.It supports the standard "EasyMesh" of the mesh network, and can build a mesh network by using it in combination with compatible devices.
バッファロー「WSR-1500AX2S」(出典:Amazon)Judge the radio wave intensity with the Wi-Fi slave unit and reach the distance 2.Equipped with a "band steering Lite" function that automatically switches between 4GHz bands and fast -speeded 5GHz bands, and can communicate comfortably anywhere in the room.
The actual selling price on EC sites is around 7000 yen.The line is available in two colors, black and white.
Amazonで詳細をチェック楽天で詳細をチェック"PA-WX3600HP" and "AM-AX3600HP" are the middle class Wi-Fi 6 compatible routers of the NEC "ATERM" series, a long-established home network device.2.Equipped with a 5Gbps wired port, it can make the most of the performance of high -speed wireless communication by combining with high -speed Internet line services.
NEC「Aterm AM-AX3600HP」(出典:Amazon)Compatible with 8 stream Wi-Fi6, achieving up to 2402 Mbps high-speed wireless communication.3 The "Wide Range Antenna Plus", which enhances the antenna performance by multiple polymerization (X, Y, Z direction), has become equal in all directions, and realizes stable communication without being affected by smartphones.To do.
The selling price on the EC site is around 14,000 yen to 15,000 yen.From the smartphone app provided for free, you can visualize your home network and remotely operate the router.
Amazonで「AM-AX3600HP」をチェック楽天で「PA-WX3600HP」をチェックWhat Wi-Fi routers are popular on shopping sites?Please check from the link below.
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