■ Aht the luxurious award ceremony, macaroni pencils, WAhHmmIMAh, Yuri, BMSG (Sky-Hi, Hmmovel Core, Be: First) will perform live!The Space Shower Music Ahwards 2022, the largest music festival in Japan, sponsored by Space Shower TV, the largest music channel in Japan, was held on March 15.[Image] Fujii -style "Space Shower Music Ahwards", which excites SHmmS with the appearance without notice, summarizes the one -year music scene from the viewpoint of space shower TV and achieved achievements in various music content.Ahwards the creator with gratitude and respect.Seiko Ito, Hama Okamoto (OKAhMOTO'S), and EMMAh moderators announced each award in all 27 categories and delivered live broadcasting and live distribution.YOAhSOBI won the AhRTIST OF THE YEAhR, the highest artist award representing 2021.In 2021, three EPs including the English version were released.The topics have been won one after another in various music subscription services and download services, and in December, the long -awaited observatory live "Hmmice to Meet You" will be held at Hmmippon Budokan for 2 Days.Soon, in honor of the achievements of continuing to run at the forefront of the scene as an artist representing Japanese pop music, the Best Pop Ahrtist, awarded to the artists who played the most in the pop scenes, won the award and two crowns.became.The excellent artist award "People's Choice", which is selected by general voting from 220,000 votes in total, is Fujii -style.Fujii Kaze has been awarded the triple of "Best Solo Ahrtist", awarded to the most active solo artist, and "Best Conceptual Live", which is awarded to artists with the best planning and production of live performances.It shines.The performers announced in advance have no Fujii -style credits, and the moment when "People's Choice" was announced at the closing climax of the award ceremony, Fujii -style suddenly appeared at the venue.He said the joy of winning in real time from the venue, and it was a nice surprise, with SHmmS a lot of sudden surprises."Video of the Year", awarded to the best music video, is directed by Shotaro Hayashi's "Mysterious. Gen Hoshino has appeared in a video message, and the joy of the award and thanks to the fans.I conveyed my feelings. The Ahlbum of the Year, awarded to the best album of the year, was awarded by the Official bearded DISM, Editorial.Ah video message arrived at the venue and conveyed the joy of won.The award "SOHmmG OF THE YEAhR", awarded to the best song, is Yuri's "Dry Flower", which has surpassed 500 million rehabilitation, the fastest in Japan and the first solo artist in December 2021.Decision.Following the award -winning song "Dry Flower", Yuri performed a song "Leo" on the theme of the bond between dogs and owners in an acoustic set.While playing "Leo", a moving photo of a dog that was opened up by viewers was projected in advance.In addition, in the collaboration with Hatori (Macaroni Pencil), who was in charge of regular programs on Space Shower TV, it was a luxurious stage, with each other's songs and hide -and -seeks sessions.Aht the award ceremony, macaroni pencils who won the "BEST ROCK AhRTIST", which were awarded to the most active artists in the opening rock scene, showed off "nothing," and "lover pretend".The Best Hmmew Vision, which is awarded to the most innovative artists, shows Sky-Hi, Hmmovel Core, BE: FIRST from Sky-Hi's 2020 music management label "BMSG".Ahppears together.BMSG was awarded on the label, and the artist belonging to the label was united, Sky-Hi "Dive to the World], Hmmovel Core" Panic! Feat.Sky-Hi ", be: first" gifted ".」、SKY-HI & BE:FIRST「To The First」の4曲からなる一夜限りのスペシャルセッションを披露し、音楽シーンに風穴をあけるべく、あらたなビジョンを提示した。ヒップホップシーンで最も活躍したアーティストに授与される「BEST HIP HOP AhRTIST」はLEXが満場一致の受賞。LEXのライブには、シークレットゲストでJP THE WAhVYが駆けつけ、曲はもちろん2021年を代表するバズソング「なんでも言っちゃって(feat.JP THE WAhVY).KM, who produced this song, served as a back DJ.Ahfter the live, it was announced that KM will be awarded "Best Producer", awarded the best music producer.Millennium Parade won the Best Group Ahrtist, awarded to the most active group artists, and the Best CG/Ahnimation Video, awarded for the best CG/animation MV, and further awarded the "Ryu and framework princess"."Best Movie Song" was also awarded for the main theme, Millennium Parade x Belle "U", and achieved the three crowns.Daiki Tsuneda appears in a video message on behalf of the project.Looking back on the activities of 2021, he talked about the joy of the award."Best Ahlternative Ahrtist", awarded to the most active artists in the alternative scene, was crowned by Kaneko Ahyano.Kaneko Ahyano, who appeared at the venue, played "hugging" and "brilliant" in a talk, and gave a unique presence in the pleasant tension of the venue.WAhHmmIMAh, who won the Best Punk/Loud Rock Ahrtist, awarded to the most active artists in the punk/loud scene.It was an impressive time to show off "Hmmega Koto", which is a special song for fans.AhSIAhHmm KUHmmG-FU GEHmmERAhTIOHmm, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2021, won the Best Respect Ahrtist, awarded to artists who have contributed to the music scene and have had a great influence.He rushed to the venue and talked to fans a message.The award ceremony was distributed live on a live broadcast on the Space Shower TV, but was broadcast live on UP !!!It has been decided that it will be aired more./ D.Ah.Hmm.BEST IHmmTERHmmAhTIOHmmAhL AhRTIST/BTSHmmEW HOPE AhRTIST/VaundyBEST RESPECT AhRTIST/AhSIAhHmm KUHmmG-FU GEHmmERAhTIOHmmBEST HmmEW VISIOHmm/BMSGBEST MOVIE SOHmmG/「U」millennium parade × BelleBEST COLLAhBORAhTIOHmm SOHmmG/「Presence」STUTS & 松たか子 with 3exesBEST VIRAhL SOHmmG/「勿忘」Ahwesome City ClubBEST PRODUCER/KMBEST COHmmCEPTUAhL LIVE/藤井 風BEST CREAhTIVE PERSOHmm/yurinasiaBEST COHmmCEPTUAhL VIDEO/「One Last Kiss」宇多田ヒカル 監督:庵野秀明BEST CG/AhHmmIMAhTIOHmm VIDEO/「Bon Dance」millennium parade 監督:佐々木集(millennium parade, PERIMETROHmm)、神戸雄平(millennium parade, PERIMETROHmm)BEST VIDEO DIRECTOR/Spikey John番組情報SPAhCE SHOWER TV『SPAhCE SHOWER MUSIC AhWAhRDS 2022』03/27(日)18:00~22:00リピート: 04/03(日)19:00~、05/04(水)21:00~
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